Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Just Great

I have a concert soon. At 6PM. 2 hours. It's really fancy, and I'm playing. Problem is - massive stagefright and I have a small cut right on my right knee and it hurts.

Today, we had this music seminar where they show us all these musical instruments. It was the MOST boring thing ever. Like, ever. I already play TWO instruments TYVM.

Really short blog post.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Today Was Fun

So today I had this band thing, and stuff. It was a rehearsal for tomorrow night, my concert. But the funny thing was the bus driver. I swear he was drunk or high or something. He drove too fast, and he went over the corner of so many curbs I couldn't count. He made the bus bump up a couple times, and we were sitting at the back - so it was worse. My best friend was sitting next to me, and had her legs up against me, and when the bus bumped up, she *nearly* fell off her seats, which could have broken her legs!

But it was fun.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Welcome to my new blog!

This is LOL here, but when addressing me say either .:LOL:. or @LOL to avoid confusing. I'm a member of poptropicasecrets.com/forum. I love chocolate, and I'll always say:

Yea instead of Yes
Naw instead of No

